Web Junkies (M - 30XP)

  • Due Mar 2, 2016 at 11am
  • Points 50
  • Questions 6
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


  1. Read the two assigned Spells in the Spellbook (Fact Sheet & DSM).
  2. Watch the first 30 minutes of "Web Junkies":  (This is an MKV file. You may need to download VLC or a similar application to open the file.) Note: You only need to watch the first 30 minutes, not the full hour as stated in the game manual. Watch Web Junkies.
  3. Watch the 30 minute VICE interview with the documentary director. Watch here.
  4. Complete this Quiz by 11:00a on March 2.


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